Keith M Warwick - President
Keith is a forty seven and lives in the UK., and professionally is involved in marketing, business research, and article writing. His background includes a stint as a travel agent (still active!), working for a newspaper, and is based around marketing and sales. His hobbies include reading; writing (creative); discussion; music and lyric writing; gastronomy; history/archaeology; drama; theatre; philosophy; architecture; wine and viticulture; gardening; DIY; cats; cinema; travel; Greece; politics/current affairs; human rights. Past experience and interests includes time as a Samaritan; a member of Amnesty International's Urgent Action Group; British Mensa, The Academy of Songwriters and Composers; The Slow Food movement, and as a contributor to a number one best selling BBC charity publication. He is constantly busy doing something and his pet hate is boredom! Favourite Colour: azure blue. Favourite quote: 'Better to light a candle than curse the darkness!'.
Richard C Cadle - Our Humour Expert
Richard, our humour expert, is a 50 year old US citizen who spends his professional time as an IT Director at a well-known US financial institution, and also holds interests in various mutliple businesses. He prides himself on his mechanical intelligence, and his ability to see the funny side of life, and is a devout optimist who majors in common sense and shooting from the hip. His hobbies include Harleys (HOG member); astronomy. ancient cultures and Science Fiction. Favourite Colour: Black. Favourite quote: 'Live to ride - ride to live!'
Luis Alejandro Casarin Lopez - Our Latin American Expert
Luis, our brainy Latin American Affairs expert, is a 25 year old male citizen of Jalisco, Mexico. A qualified tax attorney, his area of expertise also includes general Law, and his great interest is mythology, which he persues with intellectual rapacity. His other interests, he tells us, are literature and the opposite sex, and in keeping with Luis's Latin blood, his favourite colour is Red.
(Under construction more bios to follow)